Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lyricists and my opinion on script-writers.

".....If you're free you'll never see the walls,
If your head is clear you'll never free fall,
If you're right you'll never fear the wrong,
If your head is high you'll never fear at all...." and the song fades out. The entire room has this sort of sudden silence and I stand there in front of the mirror, just like Chris Cornell, with a comb tightly clasped in my hands. It takes about half a minute for me to get back to reality and very bitterly taste the truth that I am still a wannabe; a wannabe in many fields.
This has been the case with not only a young adult like me, but also with almost everyone; even nonagenarians.
Recently, I saw the movie- 'The Shawshank Redemption' narrated by Morgan Freeman. The part which pierced into my grey matter and made me think was not the story, definitely not the cinematography, but the narration and the simple yet explicit dialogues. I really admire the people behind the creation of exemplary dialogues and scripts and feel that they too should be given more fame by giving them a red-carpet welcome with a large cavalcade at various fabled award functions.
When I think about the lyrics of Eminem, which makes many people blench; I have this awe-inspiring feeling towards him for the number of rhyme schemes he produces line after line in his songs; put apart the abysmally bad lyrics. The content of the lyrics though has been beautifully scripted with respect to the amount of hardships he has faced in life and also Eminem who has been deprived of his childhood privileges. So, when one is depressed or dejected over something, he or she gets innately inspired by his songs which are at times really motivating. For example, the songs 'Till I Collapse' and 'Lose yourself' are so powerful that it can make even an immobile, downtrodden person to get up and walk with a feeling of self-respect, not to mention his 'high-octaned' video performance which adds to the paroxysm. To support my ideology on the impact of phrases and lyrics on one's life, I am ending this article by quoting few lines from Eminem's song 'Till I collapse'-
It goes like this- "Sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak
And when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up
But you gotta search within you, try to find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you
And get that motivation not to give up, and not be a quitter
No matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face, and collapse......"
and ends the song in a very motivating manner- "Until the roof, The roof comes off .
Until my legs, Give out from under me.
I will not fall, I will stand tall
Feels like no one can beat me."

[P.S]: This post is my first one, as I am new to blogging. So, please feel free to leave a comment on my article and also to correct me if I have made any mistakes which have gone unnoticed.


  1. Hey Anand, let me be the first one to comment on your new blog. Welcome to the jobless world of blogging! I like the idea of your theme, hopefully you can take all those one-liners and weave something interesting for all of us. Will be following the blog closely!

    Regarding this particular post, if you can you should read the book from which Shawshank Redemption is based, "Different Seasons" by Stephen King. He has a fairly simple and engaging style, might appeal to you.

    And I totally agree about Eminem, dude. He's vastly underrated, I think, especially his writing skills. Where is he nowadays, BTW?

  2. hi Ludwig,
    Thanks a lot for reading my blog. I'll surely try to collect as many one-liners as possible. I'm actually in the process of doing that, pls see my collection in the left hand side. i'll be adding new interesting ones everyday if possible. And also u have to help me collect them.
    About Stephen King's book; yes i have heard about it, but I have a poor reading habit.
    The latest news i heard about emimen is that he quit rapping on his daughter's request. As a die-hard fan of his, we can do nothing but sit and hope that he raps again. But still he has created umpteen number of songs which i consider evergreen. :)

  3. hey dude,
    congrats on your blog.Well you are encouraging me to continue with my blog which I had stopped due to being bored and poor patronage(no of visitors).
    Anyways I suggest you expand your horizon and write on all topics and daily musings in your life.Try using Google Adsense if possible to earn quick money.

  4. Hey Good job! even though i am not a great fan of eminem, I do agree with your idea. And it is appriciable that you have come up with a different theme. it is actually true that a lot of fine talent goes unnoticed, where actually the whole team of musicians, lyricists, editors ... are responsible for the sucess of a song and not just the singer. There a so many things you can write about. do come up with another good topic. looking forward for your next one. good luck

    Keep writing... good luck

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. yea sure... ill be writin a new one soon..... :)

  7. hmm... considering the post is a fast flowing expression of random musings, though all surrounded around the same theme, twas nice coz it was easy reading... problem with random musing is that they get so jumbled that posts are confusing... that certainly was not the case here... as long as you can unjumble your thoughts and write a nice post, keep writing... nice start!!!

  8. That was a good read indeed. However, its been two months since your last post. Waiting to read your next one...Good luck!
